The Flow Office | 「海流」共享辦公室視覺及品牌設計
The flow office is a shared office service provider based in Guangzhou, China. The logo and brand visual concept for "The flow office" is derived from "sea current" and "plant". The logo uses flowing lines to represent the waves of the sea and conceals the letter "F" in it. The colors are chosen to represent the " Vertical Garden" that is one of the main features of its interior decoration, and the main colors are used for its products such as paper cups and stationery, also the visual sense of "sea flow" is reinforced by the line of the logo. The secondary color gray represents the concrete building in the space, which can enhance the "professionalism" visuality.
The flow office為一家為於中國廣州的共享辦公室服務機構。為”The flow office”設計的logo及品牌視覺概念來自於”海流”以及”植物”。Logo部分運用流動的線條代表著海浪的波動並且將字母”F”隱藏其中。顏色部分選用代表著其室內裝飾的一大特色”植物海“,其用品如紙杯及文具均使用其主色來表現。並透過logo的線條來強化其”海流”的視覺觀感。其輔色灰色代表著空間中的水泥建物,其可將”專業性”視覺性得以提升。
Client: The Flow Office
Country: China
Design Category: Logo and Branding design